Alien Clapton MTL Ni80 0.63oHm Premade...
Alien Clapton MTL Ni80 0.63oHm Premade Resistors - Fumytech are pre-made complex resistors for rebuildable atomizers .
Pre-made coils in Ni80 Dovpo are pre-made resistors for DTL regenerable atomizers , introducing a different and complete taste experience for DIY.
Alien Clapton MTL Ni80 0.63oHm Premade Resistors - Fumytech are pre-made complex resistors for rebuildable atomizers .
Pre-made Fused MTL Ni80 0.85oHm Coils - Crazy Fab Coils are high quality pre-made complex coils for rebuildableatomizers for cheek vaping .
Resistors Mesh NexMesh Chill A1 Wotofo from 0.15oHm with measuring 16mm by 6.8mm.
Suitable and compatible with Wotofo Profile 1.5.
Pre-made Dual Core Fused Clapton 1.0oHm resistors - HellVape are pre-made complex resistors for rebuildable atomizers .
NexMesh Wotofo Extreme A1 0.16oHm resistors with 17x8.5mm size.
Recommended power range: 60-80W
Suitable and compatible with Wotofo Profile 1.5.
Wotofo Prefact Resistors Dual Core Fused Clapton type for Rebuildable Cheek Atomizers . Resistors in Ni80 (Nickel80) with a diameter between 2.5.
Excellent for a high performance and high aromatic cheek vape.